Friday, August 29, 2008

soccer girl

jessica started soccer! she's on the lions and her coach is AMAZING. she loves it and already looks like a pro out there on the field. unfortunately, practices are a 20 minute drive away. we took her there and hung out on the playground, playing with james and jenna during her first hour long practice. we quickly discovered that a previous classmate is on her team, and i arranged with her mom to take her to and from practice since she stays the entire time. what a major blessing!! i can't imagine driving all the way out there twice a week and staying for an hour with two small children - while feeling sick! i am very grateful to this other mom!

Monday, August 18, 2008

that's odd...

jenna cracks me up. she is such a crazy sleeper. i love to check on the kids during naptime and after bedtime, and always find jenna in the funniest places and positions. sometimes she even has props! lol...

i often discover she has wrapped herself up like a burrito - which is bad news in this summer heat!

i found her wearing her backpack the other day - with her hand on top of her head! how on earth is this girl comfortable?!?